Abi Levine


A love story

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A 12 week mini-course to create a supportive, nurturing relationship with money so you can embark on the

co-creation of a lifetime!

GET started today

“ If you and money went to counseling, what would it say about you?"

Imagine your new life when

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you feel good about money


You magnetize money in effortlessly


money is there when you need it


You feel empowered to save money


You break through your income barriers

Sound familiar?

Arrow Pointing Down Direction
Never enough

You constantly feel like there’s never enough money, and you are wondering what you are doing wrong.

You feel like money hates you!

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Can t hold onto it

You feel like you’re able to make money (maybe even a lot of money) but you don’t seem to be able to hold onto it and you’re not really sure why. It feels like it’s a game of “now you see me, now you don’t!

You re stuck

You’ve made pretty good money, you may have even hit some goals, but you can’t seem to break through to the next level. You’ve tried everything you can think of and still nothing seems to work.

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You are estranged from money! But we can do something about that…







Recognize that there’s a relationship to be had with money that you can participate in actively


Clear past mistakes

Clear the shame & guilt that you have around money from choices that you have made


Agree to change

Enter into an agreement with money to be friends


Get to know Money

Build that friendship into a deeper relationship, where you enjoy having it around and take great care of it


Build safety & trust

Extend your deeper relationship with money into an intimacy that feels very special and personal to you, deepening trust and certainty in money always being there.

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Hi, I’m Abi!

I'm a Money Mindset & Manifestation Coach

I teach people how to tap into the infinite abundance you may have heard talk about

I work in the sweet spot between science and magic, balancing between logic and manifestation.

And the biggest thing that blocks people from even STARTING is

I've helped over 1000 people create their dream lifestyle. And now I'd love to help you!

Ready to Join?

They are afraid of or confused by money!

spoiler alert…

I learned the hard way

I’ve been there.

Man, do I know that confusion.

I have been through the lowest of lows (homeless four times, 6 failed businesses) and the highest of highs (now living in a million dollar house, with a business worth over $1 Million, working 3 days a week)

... And one thing I know how to teach...

Is how to help people make friends with money

My clients have made over $1.5 Billion dollars in the last 5 years, and most of them started at less than $5000 a month.

Would you like to join in?

ok, i’m ready for change.

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Don’t just take my word for it...

“Abi Levine is running a challenge and it is a game changer. People are seeking me out to book with me (massage therapist) and I’ve done nothing new to attract their attention just working on my mindset."


“I went from $80K in debt to signing $145K in new client contracts in one week "


“One of the amazing things that just happened is $1000 showed up in my business bank account yesterday morning. I was not expecting to see money from this past job and I’m in shock!



Discounted rate available now (until June 13 at midnight!)

sign me up!

save $75

module breakdown



Will you play with me? love, money

Let’s date!

In Stage 2, we will spend 4 weeks embarking deeper into a relationship with money, getting to know it more personally. Learning about its energy, having conversations with it. We will literally be dating money, so that you start to love having it around, and welcome it’s coming and going like a close friend. This will begin to re-write your old behavior with money to be empowering, in control and confident with money.

In Stage 1, we will spend 4 weeks helping you get to the place where you are comfortable being friends with money. We will clear shame and guilt around having money, and enter into an agreement to work together in a spirit of playfulness, so that you can feel a kinship with money and stop being afraid of it.



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In Stage 3 we will spend 4 weeks deepening the intimacy with our relationship with money. We will introduce sensuality, dissolving walls between us and money so that the trust we have in it deepens, and strengthens into an unbreakable bond, so that you manage money in a kind, loving, respectful and responsible way. When you trust money, you notice opportunities to make more, you trust it will return and avoid fear and anxiety. You call it in powerfully, knowing with certainty it will always come when you call.

Facebook group for Q & A and support so that you know where to turn during the class.





Transformational processes each week to radically and permanently alter your relationship with money, ensuring your relationship with money shifts for good.

A free digital course called “The Next Evolution” with 23 recorded classes, including classes on how to create healthy boundaries and how to increase your trust, just to support your journey in a more holistic way!


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Are we a good



If you’re ready for things to change


You’re open for things to be different, even if you don’t know how


You know you play a role in your relationship with money and you’re willing to accept that


You’re open to trying some things you haven’t tried before


If these resonate, we are a perfect match!

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You’re looking for a Quick Fix Course

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If you want someone else to do it for you

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If you’re looking for a savior

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If you think everyone else is the problem

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We may not be a good fit at this time

“I wanted to share a huge win!! I literally had an $11k month and I was completely unaware of it!"





What is the format of the program?

You will receive daily, short 5 minute audio recordings, an exercise 2 mins or less to practice each day and a transformational process each week, with one live Introduction call via Zoom.

What are the days and times of the classes?

The intro class will be Thursday, May 23rd at 1:30 pm PDT.

Can I invite friends to join?

Absolutely! The more the merrier!

Do I have to have done any healing before now?

Not at all. This is a foundational money mindset course.

How long will I have access to the course?

For life



I can promise you that your relationship with money will be vastly improved after the class if you do the work.

  • Daily 5 minute audios
  • Daily 2 minute exercise
  • Weekly transformational process
  • Facebook group community
  • Free 23 class digital course (The Next Evolution)
  • Lifetime access

PLUS a 60 min 1:1 session with Abi


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i’m all in!

Pay in full

  • Daily 5 minute audios
  • Daily 2 minute exercise
  • Weekly transformational process
  • Facebook group community
  • Free 23 class digital course (The Next Evolution)
  • Lifetime access




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Pay in Full



  • Daily 5 minute audios
  • Daily 2 minute exercise
  • Weekly transformational process
  • Facebook group community
  • Free 23 class digital course (The Next Evolution)
  • Lifetime access


enroll now


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now $547!

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still have questions?

get in touch

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